Friday, August 27, 2010

Six months, where did you go???

Well... I honestly cannot believe it, but McCullough is SIX months old!!! It is just amazing that her first year of life is halfway over, and I know I say this every month, but I am really sad!! It's going by way too quickly -- but it sure has been fun! A quick little recap for you...


there you have it... good bye

Ok, so there's more but that's the main thing:) She is into everything and very active. She rolls back and forth all day long and as you can see in the pic - she is almost sitting up on her own. Notice that after a few pics she saw the little 6 months sign and was much more interested in eating the paper than smiling for the camera. She is also babbling constantly, and occasionally you hear ba ba ba (Nancy cant testify for me). She loves the exersaucer but is so ready to be on her own.

We have introduced solid foods... rice cereal, oatmeal, butternut squash, bananas and sweet potatoes to name a few. She LOVES the squash - not so much the rice cereal.

She also went on her first plane rides (most went well except the flight that was delayed 6 hours and then eventually cancelled in Memphis -- but at least we got to spend the night with Honey Johnson).

OH and she now weights 15.4 and is about 26"

On Saturday, we are off to Pawley's Island, SC to meet up with Ben's extended family. This will be McCullough's first time meeting more of the Moss clan as well as meeting her GREAT grandmother Meg. There will be many pics!!

That's all I can think of....

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