Friday, August 27, 2010

End of Summer

Here is a quick slideshow of what we have been up to the last few weeks...

Our sweet friends Kyle and Evie Ashby live in Corpus Christi and are moving to Seattle soon so they did a quick Texas tour and we are SO thankful. Evie and I were due exactly two months a part and had our kiddos exactly two months a part. I LOVED seeing her and meeting Boden (and seeing Kyle). He is just a precious chunk... and chunk he is. Boden is two months younger and two pounds heavier!!! And McCullough's not small so that tells you what cute thighs he has!

Every time kyle shook the rattle to get Boden's attention McCullough just laughed and tried to grab it.
She thought Kyle was HILIARIOUS!!!
We made a little Dallas run and McCullough finally met Miss Linda (more pics to follow)
Johnny Jump up time!!
She kept posing for the camera... we are in trouble!!

On our way to see the Yankees play!!!

snuggle time with pops
learning all about the flags with nana
more exersauer time!!
Well we are off to the beach for a week. When I return I will post more pics from McCullough's time with her great grandparents as well as bid to summer farewall luncheon with Anna and Margaret. Anna goes back to work on monday after maternity leave and I KNOW that I have cried more than anyone. We are REALLY REALLY going to be sad to see her working... but we will just have to do more night time dates!!!! That's all for now....

Six months, where did you go???

Well... I honestly cannot believe it, but McCullough is SIX months old!!! It is just amazing that her first year of life is halfway over, and I know I say this every month, but I am really sad!! It's going by way too quickly -- but it sure has been fun! A quick little recap for you...


there you have it... good bye

Ok, so there's more but that's the main thing:) She is into everything and very active. She rolls back and forth all day long and as you can see in the pic - she is almost sitting up on her own. Notice that after a few pics she saw the little 6 months sign and was much more interested in eating the paper than smiling for the camera. She is also babbling constantly, and occasionally you hear ba ba ba (Nancy cant testify for me). She loves the exersaucer but is so ready to be on her own.

We have introduced solid foods... rice cereal, oatmeal, butternut squash, bananas and sweet potatoes to name a few. She LOVES the squash - not so much the rice cereal.

She also went on her first plane rides (most went well except the flight that was delayed 6 hours and then eventually cancelled in Memphis -- but at least we got to spend the night with Honey Johnson).

OH and she now weights 15.4 and is about 26"

On Saturday, we are off to Pawley's Island, SC to meet up with Ben's extended family. This will be McCullough's first time meeting more of the Moss clan as well as meeting her GREAT grandmother Meg. There will be many pics!!

That's all I can think of....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Family Time in BR

More fun family time!! My cousin Ashley just had her second daughter, Elizabeth Addison, so she and I had a little date with our daughters so everyone could meet. It was WONDERFUL!!!

False River Fun~!

Thanks to the our sweet family friends, Richard and Bicki Carter, our family was able to enjoy a few times of fun at False River!!! Here are a few pics from the days...

This was the first time McCullough had solid foods --- and she wasn't quite sure what to think of it :)

I promise our whole family (minus Ben) was there... but somehow I only have pics of the two girls -- I will update it again soon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

McCullough's First Flight!!!

McCullough and I flew to Baton Rouge this past weekend for a very short time with family. This was her first flight and therefore my first solo flight. It went MUCH better than I ever dreamed (well until I got stuck in the Memphis airport for 6 hours before my flight was cancelled until the next day...but that's a whole separate story :)

Daddy took us to the last pic!
I loaded her into the Ergo Carrier, and off we went!! It's nice to have a newborn b/c you get to skip the line at security and go straight to the front :))
After sleeping for 70% of the flight...she was up and really enjoying herself.
Of course, you have to have the first photo op!
And nice of the captain to smile for the pic...
All in went great!!! DESPITE the terrible look on her face :)
Sweet Honey came to the Memphis airport to meet us on our layout. McCullough wasn't quite sure what to think...
..but within seconds she was smiley. What a special moment it was for me. It's amazing to have dear friends love your children like they are their own!!
and then she decided she LOVED honey!!! (Good thing because we unexpectedly but delightfully got to spend the night with them a few days later)

Memphis wasn't complete without a little CORKY'S BBQ~~~

High FIVE months!!

Well... we celebrated our 5 month(July 19th) and a little sad its going by so fast. We have had a great month and every day she is getting more and more active and busy!! This was our first month not to have a check up, so no stats to update with you. BUT...Let's see...

she is rolling over in her bed every day - unfortunately she wakes herself up doing this and can't get back over just yet.
she LOVES her exersaucer and is really starting to enjoy it
she LOVES the much so that we cannot have it on or she breaks her back to see it
she is kicking and pulling all the toys on her mat and she is quite impressed that she can now pull them off the bars
she cannot sit up yet, but is trying
she is recognizing her friend margaret(4 month old down the street)
she has so much fun in the swimming pool and being outdoors
we went to the golf course one day and she was amazed by the birds, trees, sights and of course...her dad's game!
she has learned to squeal -- A LOT -- lucky me :)