Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Well...since our last outfit was a little too short, we borrowed one that had an opening at the, meet the worlds cutest caterpillar :) We trick or treated with the Sharps and "Dr. Trevor" and the Boones and "The Shaggy Dog"

They were more interested in the trick or treater than the camera!!

Squirty -- have fun with Daddy

How cute is he?!?!?!

Of course we had to see our buddies the Trimbles who were dressed up as Olive Oil and Popeye :)


1 comment:

  1. Girl, I am so excited that you have a blog!!! YAY!! I am your newest follower!! Love all these cute pics of McCullough!! I am so excited that I can now watch her grow through your blog!! :)
