It was REALLY fun to introduce McCullough to her new sister!! She was very excited!!!

Our first family photo :))

McCullough was really curious about this new "baby"

And she tried to get a swipe in ... YIKES!!! Check out our faces!!! After that, it's been pretty smooth sailing though!

Samuel was able to totally understand everything and was really enjoying it all!!

My sweet mom and her four McCullough grandkids!

My precious niece Eleanor Rose :)))

My little angel!!

Anna was so sweet to come meet Charlotte!!

And Brooke came straight from the airport~

Elizabeth completely understood what I went through, because just three months before she had the same situation happen where there just wasn't time for an epidural - this was BOTH of our nightmares and our joke that we would get to the hospital weeks in advance, yet some how we were both too late!!