Friday, August 26, 2011

Charlotte Marie Moss

Well...we are excited to announce (albeit a little late) the birth of our daughter Charlotte Marie Moss!!! She came into the world in exciting and quick fashion. I was only 35.5 weeks pregnant, and my brother and wife were in town with their kids, so I was quite surprised when I went into labor Friday, August 5th. I started to notice I was having contractions 5 minutes a part from 8-9am but they didn't last too long and they weren't painful so I thought I was just dehydrated. At 9:30 I mentioned to Bethany that I was having small contractions, and I called my mom to tell her. At 10:00 I decided to call Ben at work, thinking I was in labor, but not too worried. By 10:15 I was barking orders at Ben to call his parents (who were in Colorado). By 10:30 we were in the car racing to the hospital and looking for a wheel chair!!

Here is the pic as we walked in the room - you wouldn't know I was SEVEN cm at this point.
But immediately after the pictures, I was doubled over in pain again!

The cute nurse in the background just happens to be the nurse who assisted in McCullough's delivery as well.

We walked into the room at 10:50, at 11:00 I was 7 cm, at 11:10 I was 9cm, and at 11:21 Charlotte Marie Moss made her entrance into our arms!!!! What a special moment it was - despite NO epidural and a LOT of pain!!
Nothing makes me smile more than seeing the look on Ben's face as he sees Charlotte!!

Our favorite and wonderful doctor, Dr. Sweeney, was not in the office on Friday, but they called her to tell her I was in labor. The Lord was so gracious, and Dr. Sweeney was literally ONE exit away from the hospital when they called her. She was in my room within 5 minutes and delivered Charlotte in her blue jeans!! There was no time to scrub in!!

Loving our first few minutes with our new little girl!!

I'm so thankful Elissa was able to be there!! She left her house immediately, but by the time she got to the hospital, Charlotte was 10 minutes old!!
Sweet Bethany was in the room with us and my coach!!! God is so good, and has allowed each of us to be with each other for one of our children's births. I'm so grateful that she could be there!!! She has delivered two children naturally and was also a huge help for me since I didn't have time for drugs.

Julie and Elissa were headed to Dallas for Julie's baby shower but were able to come meet Charlotte before they left!! I'm so glad they did!!
My mom jumped on the first flight out and made it to Austin a few hours later!! We were so thankful that she could be there, and for all her help that week!!


Momie and Papa come for the 4th of July!!

Momie and Papa came in town for the fourth of July and we were SO excited to have them here. I have a few pics of our time together -- yes, I'm still behind -- but the next post makes it all worth it!!!

McCullough LOVES styrofoam cups!!! Makes me nervous for high school :)
And here she is with her HERO!!!
Having a blast!!!
But that was a little too high for my comfort, so I had to get closer incase he dropped her!

The next day we headed to the annual Brykerwoods 4th of July Parade!!
The Shannons were there!!!

Lots of girls and lots of strollers!!

Back to the pool for more fun!!

While eating lunch, a band started playing music and someone started dancing :)))

Vera comes to town!!!

Well... once again, I am really far behind - so I am using Aunt's Sydney's blog post on my blog :))) Wish I had a few more days to myself to upload more - and maybe I will find that time at some point - but for now.... we are SO thankful Aunt Syd and Vera came to visit us this summer!!!!

Vera’s Second Trip to Austin

Vera and I had a wonderful trip to Austin to visit Aunt Courtney, Uncle Ben, and McCullough. Here are some fun pics!

Vera’s first trip to Costco. Haha.

photo 1

Here are the girls playing in the backyard the afternoon we got there.

Court and Ben belong to a great club with an AMAZING baby pool. Here’s the view from the deck!

It even had a little splash pad.


The squirt!

Aunt Court!

Vera really dug the zero entry

They’re cousins…

Court’s on limited activity, so I did a lot of the heavy lifting so we could squeeze in as much fun as possible while I was there. Here I am running down the hill at zilker park with both girls so we could catch the train.


On the Zilker Zephyr




Here’s McC contemplating throwing that sippy cup overboard (which she did), and Vera saying “choo choo.”


Here’s McC trying out a new smile:


Vera and I had a great dinner with Lacey and Kevin.

Then gelato.

McC has a wrestlemania way of showing affection.


We went to brunch at Anna’s, and all 3 girls got to play!


I am not sure Margaret knew what to make of Vera and McC trying to tear up her bedroom!


Later, the girls had lots of fun at the “jumpy place”




We decided to take a girls’ picture before church. Ben thought we were crazy with all of the mathcing outfits!


Vera loves her some Uncle Ben! (He ate up every second)

photo 2

We had an awesome time, and we’ll be back next summer!! Thanks, Court and Ben!

Posted by sydvish

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