Well...with only one week until McCullough's first birthday, I figured it was never too late to post her 11 month pic!! She is SO active that I couldn't really get a good pic of her smiling, with the 11 months sign in the pic, but you get the picture :)
It's been a fabulous month! We spent Christmas in Baton Rouge, then went to Dallas. McCullough's first cousin Margaret was born, and Samuel turned 3, and great grandmother Meg turned 90!!!!
She still has 4 teeth (missing her two front teeth - but that's ok). She is crawling like crazy, pulling up, and trying to get into any cabinet, toilet, or file drawer. She's a mess and a total blast!!

And by the end of the photo shoot...Squirty was completely wiped out!! I don't blame her, I felt the same way :))