Ben, McCullough and I headed to Dallas on Tuesday afternoon hoping to make it in time for the arrival of our niece Margaret. Luckily for us we did, unfortunately for Whitney and Spencer, it was a long this is what the waiting room looked like for about 7 hours from 5pm to 1am...that's right!!! Our rock star babysitting, Christie, even agreed to spend the night when Margaret still wasn't here at midnight.

But shortly after 1am, on January 5th, Spencer came out of the elevator with great news that Margaret Brooke Moss was here, healthy and doing great!!

Everyone raced to the nursery to meet her...

and then we all stared for 10 minutes as she got her first bath and evaluation. Whit was still in recovery but we got to see her shortly after. And let me just say, my sister in law is AMAZING!!! She was a I tell people, she checked in on the 3rd and had the baby on the 5th...she's superwoman in my eyes!!

My adorable little niece!!!

Brothers!!!! After a LONG hard day

Spencer with the family!

I was SO happy that I could stay in Dallas for a few days to help Whitney get adjusted to Motherhood. Man...I forgot how painful and hard those first few days are...but when you hold that little sure is worth it all!

Margaret was the star of the week for sure!!

McCullough did get to see her, but only from a far...of course she kicked her legs in excitement. It will be a few months before we let her too close :)))
We miss everyone SO much!!!!! Welcome to the world Margaret B, we adore you!!!