Friday, November 26, 2010


Ben, McCullough and I went to Dallas to spend Thanksgiving with his parents (whit and spencer were in BR since they can't travel at Christmas). We had a wonderful week and here are a few pics from Thanksgiving day.

McCullough was playing peak a boo with Ben!

Here we are at the end of the night...long day, but lots of fun!!
McCullough playing with her great grandparents...she loved being with them!!

Nana and Pops got some toys for their house to have around for McCullough and Margaret and Squirty LOVED them!!!

Ole Miss - LSU

Well it's a family tradition I just couldn't pass up, so McCullough and I jumped on a plane and headed to Baton Rouge for her very first ole miss - lsu football. This has been something I've loved since I was kid and remember when my dad used to buy tickets in the Ole Miss section (even though we are LSU ticket holders) so I could experience the game as a rebel!!

We had a great time tailgating with family and friends - then McCullough went home with Aunt Sydney and Vera so that I could go to the game with Samuel, Clint, Austin, Katherine and Melise!!

(pics to come)

Nine Months!!!

Hard to believe we are NINE MONTHS OLD!!! It has certainly flown by (wish the 9 months of pregnancy could have been so quick :) She is now weighing 16 lbs 13 ounces (10-25%), 27 and 5/8" (50-75%) and her head is in the 75-90%!!

We have had a wonderful month!!! Let's see Nana and Pops came to visit while we went to Chicago, we went to Dallas to see Reagan and Paige Brown and let all the kids meet, we went trick or treating, Dad had his first weekend with McCullough a learn and he did great (except the sweatpants he dressed her in for church), and Momie came to visit!!

While Momie was in town, she was determined to "help" McCullough learn to crawl and it worked!!! In a matter of three days McCullough started crawling, then the next day she pulled up and the following day she walked around the ottoman, transfered to the chair and then back to ottoman! We are in trouble!!

she is saying ba - ba and trying to wave
doing some SQUEALING
loving that she is independent and now able to feed herself
she loves table food: rice and beans, guacamole, chicken, turkey, beans, fruit and much more!!

We are off to Baton Rouge for the Ole Miss - LSU game!! Pics to come!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Makes me really happy!!

Well... for those that know me well, or really know me at all these two pics say it all and make me really HAPPY!!! The gymnastics world championship was on tv the other day and I came around the corner to find McCullough captivated!!! She looks enthralled...sitting on her little foot just staring!!
I grabbed the camera and took a quick pic...and then she looked at me and smiled like she knew we had a connection :)))

Sunday, November 14, 2010

McCullough is off and crawling...

Well...we FINALLY hit a big milestone at the Moss House -- a few days shy of 9 months and McCullough is CRAWLING!!! We knew she was close because she could crawl on the bed or couch, but never on the floor, which happens to be a really tough sea grass rug. So, I bought some foam letter tiles, laid them down and within 24 hours she was off and crawling.

Life as we know it will NEVER be the same...for the better of course:))

My mom is here this weekend and she has taught McCullough to play peak a boo, as well as how to imitate her when she says ba-ba-ba-ba. It's pretty cute!!!

Here is a quick video to show what her first crawling debut looked like

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Well...since our last outfit was a little too short, we borrowed one that had an opening at the, meet the worlds cutest caterpillar :) We trick or treated with the Sharps and "Dr. Trevor" and the Boones and "The Shaggy Dog"

They were more interested in the trick or treater than the camera!!

Squirty -- have fun with Daddy

How cute is he?!?!?!

Of course we had to see our buddies the Trimbles who were dressed up as Olive Oil and Popeye :)


Halloween Play Group

Our play group had a little Halloween gathering the other day and it was SO fun to see all the costumes :)))

Notice that her legs are about to BUST out of it!! I guess I shouldn't have bought the 0-6 month since she is 8 months. I wasn't thinking about it....

She wasn't loving her outfit :))